Sunday, January 2, 2011

Health Benefits of Shrimp

  • has anti-inflammatory qualities
  • good source of Vitamin B12.  This vitamin is important for proper brain function and essential for the formation and maturation of blood cells
  • very good source of Vitamin D.  This vitamin regulates the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, which is essential for strong teeth and bones
  • excellent source of selenium, this neutralizes the injurious effects if free radicals which is the main cause of cancer and other degenerative diseases
  • good source of omega-3 fatty acids which reduce the risk of cardiovascular problems because it reduces cholesterol in the blood
  • has low-fat and low-calorie protein
  • provide large cardiovascular benefits
  • protection against fatal heart arrhythmia
  • help prevent and control high blood pressure
  • protection against Alzheimer's and age-related cognitive decline

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