Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Keep Warm with Beef Noodle Soup

Beef noodle soup is a Chinese noodle soup made of stewed beef, beef broth, vegetables and Chinese noodles.  It exists in various forms throughout East Asia and Southeast Asia.  It was created by the Hui people during the Tang Dynasty of China.  In the West, this food may be served in a small portion as a soup.  In China, a large bowl of it is often taken as a whole meal with or without any side dish.  In Tiawan, vendors that sell beef noodle may also have optional, often cold side dishes, such as braised dried tofu, seaweed, or pork intestine.  Beef noodles is often served with suan cai (Chinese sauerkraut) on top, green onion, and sometimes other vegetables in the soup as well.

Recipes: , , or

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