Thursday, December 23, 2010

Drinks to Keep You Warm During the Winter: Chai Tea

Chai is a beverage from the Indian subcontinent made by brewing tea with a mixture of aromatic Indian spices and herbs.  The simplest traditional method of preparing masala chai is to actively simmer or boil a mixture of milk and water with loose leaf tea, sweeteners, and whole spices.  Indian markets all over the world sell various brands of "chai masala," for this purpose, though many households blend their own.  The solid tea and spice residues are strained off from masala chai before serving.  The method may vary according to taste or local custom:  for example, some households may combine all of the ingredients together at the start, bring the mixture to a boil, then immediately strain and serve; others may leave the mixture simmering for a longer amount of time, or begin by bringing the tea leaves to a boil and only add the spices toward the end.

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