Hypertension is often called high blood pressure. Blood pressure is the amount of force that your blood puts on the walls of blood vessels when in transit. Over time, high blood pressure can damage blood vessels and can lead to serious problems such as heart attack or stroke. The best way to know if you have high blood pressure is to have a doctor who will regularly monitor blood pressure.
What is high blood pressure?
High blood pressure contributes to cardiovascular disease.
Your heart is struck by 100 000 times a day. This represents 100 000 where your high blood pressure can damage your small blood vessels leading to your eyes, heart, brain and kidneys.
Blood pressure on the inner walls of your veins plus the resistance of blood vessels to the flow of blood generates blood pressure. If blood pressure is too great, can destroy blood vessels and prevent blood flow to vital organs. Over time high blood pressure, which is sufficiently low (140/90 or more) may result in eye damage or kidney failure, stroke, heart attack and other serious problems.
New medical guidelines state that normal blood pressure for most adults is less than 120/80. Drug therapy is recommended if your blood pressure is 140/90 and more.
In people with diabetes is recommended drug treatment if blood pressure is 130/80 or higher.
Most people with high blood pressure is the exact cause is unknown. But if you have high blood pressure, it can be about anything or everything from the following:
• Blood vessels are too narrow, which impedes the work of the heart to blood through them.
• Blood vessels are impermeable and can not be extended when they pushed through the blood.
• Blood with excessive levels of sodium and water. This increases the amount of blood fluid, so that when your heart pumps your blood through your body, pressure on the walls of your blood vessels to grow.
What are the symptoms of high blood pressure?
Some people think that symptoms of high blood pressure (hypertension) are:
• Frequent headaches
• Dizziness.
And although you may experience any of these things, the truth is that most people with high blood pressure have no symptoms. Therefore, it is also called the "silent killer".
Do not "silent killer" that you got. It affects all ages. You may have heard stories - apparently healthy man aged 30, 40, 50 or 60 years suddenly got a stroke or heart attack. This cause is sometimes associated with high blood pressure, which remained undiagnosed, untreated or treated with drugs that have sufficiently mitigated his blood pressure.
Why is this happening?
• High blood pressure is not accompanied by the fact that you feel affects your blood vessels leading to the eye, brain, heart and kidneys. He has no symptoms that would warn you.
• While you and your doctor are not watching the amount of your blood pressure, do not ever know what is high.
• Almost 50% of people taking drugs is still too high blood pressure. It required constant checking with your doctor to find out whether the medicine you enough help.
How do I find the right medicine for high blood pressure?
If you are taking medicine for high blood pressure, but that does not reduce continually and to better health level, a good reason why is that there may be:
• Maybe not taking the right medicine, right dose or combination of drugs that are designed to reduce your pressure.
by: Dr. Mital John -- http://www.articlecity.com/articles/health/article_12167.shtml
It is important to treat hypertension, Hypertension is a silent killer, It affects the major organ systems of the body, Hypertension causes dementia, Even if there is no symptom BP level should be checked, Treatment reduces more than 50% of heart failures, Treatment for hypertension can increase our quality of life.